Saturday, February 27, 2010

"Shake a paw!"

Little Fuzzy Dunlop had a visitor the other night, and a day visit tomorrow (fingers crossed). While the family was here, I demonstrated how I was trying to get Fuzz to shake a paw (but hadn't made much progress) - but he was clearly starting to get it and I knew it was just a matter of time (and quiet practice away from our own dog!) I made it my mission to get this pup shaking a paw before his day visit - it's useful to have a repertoire of basic commands that a pup understands, so when you catch them doing something you'd prefer they weren't doing, you can "substitute" that behavior with a good one that they know. Dogs love to please, so this makes you happy (that they aren't barking out the window or chasing the cat) and makes the dog happy because he gets a treat and feels like he's done a good job. Fuzzy's forever home will continue to work on what he's learned already, and learn a whole lot more through Dogma's puppy classes.

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